I went to kindergarten in Peru. Where they speak Spanish. Which I no longer speak. Which is why I don’t know my left from my right.
I’m usually the one who…: Is sweaty.
Funniest Weetacon Incident: Fighting Jane to get into the washroom at Pantscakes, only to barge in on poor Amy in the single service toilette. Well it was mortifying for me (and I’m still really sorry, Amy), but I think everyone else laughed.
Weetathlon Awards: Scavenger hunt wieners! Woo!
Known for at Weetacon: Not a clue. What am I known for?
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: Because I couldn’t bear to go another year kicking myself for not going.
Thing I’m most nervous about: Being really, really offensive.
My impressions of Weetacon are: That it may be a place where it would be really, really hard to offend people.
When we meet, ask me about: why my glass is empty and would I like another drink. Yes, please.
You’d never guess I’m: I have no mystery.