Location: Smack dab between DC and Bal’mer, hon.
Interests: Cooking, geneaology, Warcraft, homebrewing, writing, photography, music, et multi cetera
Nickname/Alternate name: (All the ones I can think of are situationally specific….)
Website/Blog: inlondon.diaryland.com (very old); kfitzwarin.livejournal.com (not quite as old); currently being irreggular about blogging, mostly on Sparkpeople
Facebook: Beth Morris Tanner
Twitter: I have issues limiting myself to acronyms and 140 characters.
Significant Other: Steve aka The Bald British Man aka Poodlehead
Random Fact:
Secret Super Power: Remembering people’s names and data (not really secret, but it’s a super power)
Attending: Weetacon VII, Weetacon IX (At VII awarded Brave Little Toaster and Best Embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins)
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: Deb
Thing I’m most nervous about: gaining 10 pounds while I’m there.
My impressions of Weetacon are:
When we meet, ask me about: