Interests: Carpentry & electrical work, playing soccer, architecture, modern art, the Cubs.
Nickname/Alternate name: Ron Swanson
Website: none – Luddite
Blog: same
Facebook: same
Twitter: same – can you believe it? Consider yourself lucky if I even read an e-mail – I just started texting about a year ago.
Significant Other: Poppy
Random Fact: I was an extra in The Weatherman and Gore Verbinski personally gave me direction on how to eat a hamburger. I have a 3 second close-up on just me in the food court scene.
Secret Super Power: Able to consume vast quantities of pizza.
Attended Weetacon: Weetacon VIII, 9 and 10
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: Poppy has been asking me to come for the past 7 years – 8th time is the charm.
Thing I’m most nervous about: Having a brutal hangover
My impressions of Weetacon are: Visions of excess
When we meet, ask me about: The Cubs and spring training and opening day – because my wife won’t talk to me about it.