Doing Good The Weetacon Way

This year there are two happy making good time fundraisers going on as part of our Weetacon shenanigans:

Weetacon Bake Sale (Thursday-Sunday, in the Waterford Room)
We have some serious bakers amongst our attendees, so be sure to swing by the bake sale table more than once. There’s usually at least one bacony baked good, and there’s always the One True Dessert that makes everyone sad when it runs out (Samoa cupcakes, anyone?). And it’s a proven fact that cookies bought to support a charity taste 100% better that those store bought ones.

Charity Raffle (Saturday, in the Waterford Room)
Strategy, bargaining, and lots of crossed fingers are the only way to win the prizes you want to win, so be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to buy tickets and put them in the right buckets!

**PLEASE NOTE: the only accepted method of payment for raffle tickets will be by a check made payable to one of our Weetacon charities (Paul’s Pantry, Kathy’s House or Happily Ever After) or proof of an online donation, either by printed or electronic receipt. Payment for items for the bake sale may be made in cash.

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