Location: Sacramento, CA
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Interests: Being crafty (Cross-Stitching & Knitting), baking, board games, The Good Place, The Office, Doctor Who, Walking/Running, CNN News, Broadway Musicals, and reading.
Nickname/Alternate Name: Joley, Jols, Jo
Website: www.jolenelavine.com
Facebook: Jolene Lavine
Twitter: JoleneLavine
Instagram: JoleneLavine
Good Reads: Jolenelavine
Significant Other: Jesse
Random Fact: I have an addiction to Post-It Notes. I don’t care how many I currently own, I will always buy more if I see them on display at a store.
Secret Super Power: Seamlessly working quotes from The Good Place or The Office into conversation.
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: To be amongst royalty
Thing I’m Most Nervous About: I honestly can’t think of anything, probably because it’s from home this year.
My impressions of Weetacon are: Still that I’m not nearly cool enough to attend.
When we meet, ask me about: How I’m doing on my works-in-progress goals.
Best Weetacon Memory: The sleigh ride! I don’t care that I fell on ice, that experience was amazing AF.
Favorite Bad Bar Song: Sweet Caroline
I’m usually the one who: Butchers the karaoke song she’s sure she’ll nail.
Funniest Weetacon Incident: Jorie’s karaoke performance of “Let The Bodies Hit the Floor”.
Weetacons Attended: 2014
Bring some LUSH to St. Brendan’s; the baths are DIVINE.