Location: close to Seattle, WA 
Pronouns: she/her
Interests:  animals, all of them! Writing, reading, photography, psychology, TV shows and movies, kids and their antics, 
Nickname/Alternate name: Megatron 
Website: MeghanToledo.com
Blog:  meghantoledo.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/meghantoledo 
Twitter:  Twitter.com/meghantoledo 
Significant Other: Jennifer 
Random Fact: I can write in cursive backwards so that it looks completely correct when held up to a mirror. 
Secret Super Power: Oh I probably should’ve saved my last answer for this question ? I have the power of coming inside right as it’s starting to downpour..? It’s pretty handy here in the Pacific Northwest! 
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: I’ve heard tell of the many myths and legends… and now I wanna see for myself! 
Thing I’m most nervous about: missing something, somehow 
 My impressions of Weetacon are:  it’s going to be a good time with interesting people 
When we meet, ask me about: writing, reading, pets and/or kids 

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