Pronouns: My pronouns are singular, and either female or neuter.
Interests: I read, maybe too much: I like swimming, the convolutions of English, trees and bees and other things that don’t rhyme, biking, dogs, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and traveling.
Nickname/Alternate name: Lisa, or Lindi.
Random fact: After breaking my arm at age 15, my right thumb doesn’t straighten.
Website: www.penguindust.com/ljh
Secret super power: I don’t think my unusually flexible ankles are a superpower, but I’ll mention them just in case.
Significant other: husband, who will probably not appear but might.
Reason I’m attending Weetacon: This is the first year attendance has been within my budget. Thing I’m most nervous about: I am the only person who thinks I am interesting.
My impressions of Weetacon are: Y’all bring the fun. I don’t actually bring the fun but I witness it whole-heartedly.
When we meet, ask me about: the most recent book to enter my house. Or, you know, don’t, because I can restrain myself from blathering only if not prompted.