HUGE thanks to all of our contributors to the first ever Weetacon Charity Cookbook!
Kelly (Weetacon 5 & 6)
Jen (Weetacon 1-7)
Shawna (Weetacon 6 & 7)
Susan (Weetacon 3, 5 & 7)
Christine (Weetacon 6 & 7)
Maryan (Weetacon 1-3, 6)
Scott (Weetacon 2-7)
Susan (Weetacon 1-7)
Fred (Weetacon 2-7)
Allison (Weetacon 2, 4-7)
Deb (Weetacon 1 & 2, 4, 6 & 7)
Lisa-Marie (Weetacon 1 & 2, 4-6)
Corinna (Weetacon 5 & 6)
Wendy MC (Weetacon 4-7)
Michael (Weetacon 2-7)
Sarah (Weetacon 2, 4-7)
Melinda (Weetacon 1, 3-7)
Lissa (Weetacon 2 & 5)
Kerry (Future Attendee)
Shawn (Weetacon 4-7)
June (Weetacon 1-7)
Esteban (Weetacon 1, 3-7)
Wendy (Weetacon 1-7)
Andrea (Weetacon 6 & 7)
Kari (Weetacon 1-3, 6)
Sasha (Weetacon 4)
Mary (Weetacon 2-6)
Jessi (Weetacon 1 & 2, 6 & 7)
Ryan (Weetacon 6 & 7)
The recipes have been compiled, the photos have been added and the printer is ready to print. Now let’s get cooking!!
I missed the Pre-Order, but I want a copy of the cookbook!
Luckily for you, we will be selling a limited number of copies of the Weetacon Cookbook onsite at the Charity Bake Sale during Weetacon. There will also be a few copies up for auction with special additions!
But I’m not going to Weetacon! Can I still buy a cookbook?
Yes you can! You can order directly from the publisher by clicking RIGHT HERE. It will be shipped directly to your hot little hands so that you too can get cookin’ with Weetacon. Purchase price is $15, (plus shipping) and $5 of that purchase goes directly to Paul’s Pantry.
I’m SO going to intend to do this. Because even if I don’t make the ‘con,’ I can still rock the pots. Awesome idea.