Location:  Sacramento

Interests: Math, science, computers, ecology, iguanas, reading, science fiction, traveling, teaching, learning.

Nickname/Alternate name: Apparently I am too dull to have a nickname *sigh*


Facebook: Eileen Snider

Twitter: eileensc

Significant Other: none

Random Fact: I used to work at a zoo. (a real one, I could say the same thing about the high school I taught at last year)

Secret Super Power: Super fast reading.

Attending: Weetacon VI

Reason I’m attending Weetacon: So I can be one of the cool kids.

Thing I’m most nervous about: Freaking out and spending the weekend hiding behind the potted palm.

My impressions of Weetacon are: Crazy fun.

When we meet, ask me about: pterodactyls

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  1. Welcome, Eileen! Weetacon is less than three weeks now – eee!

  2. I have so much love for that photo of us, Eileen.

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